Editorial Profile
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Clinical Research News reports on innovative technologies from clinical trials to medical informatics. Technology continues to permeate all aspects of clinical trials and the patient experience, and the tools to support these efforts are maturing rapidly. ClinicalResearchNewsOnline.com and the Clinical Research News email newsletter provide authoritative news, views, and insights on the vast landscape of innovation between clinical trial management and delivery of care.
Areas of regular coverage:
- Electronic data capture
- Patient recruitment technologies and practices
- Clinical trial informatics including ePRO (patient reported outcomes), clinical trial management software, trial master files, and case report forms
- Trial design, Adaptive clinical trials
- Contract and clinical research organizations
- Regulatory issues
- Site Selection, Site Monitoring
- Genomics in the clinic
- Telehealth and telemedicine
- Population health and data analytics
- Personalized medicine and care delivery
- Clinical data mining
- Point of Care clinical trials
- Healthcare informatics
- Clinical trial monitoring and compliance
Recurring Features:
It’s About Time: Norman Goldfarb, Editor of the Journal of Clinical Research Best Practices, joins Clinical Research News with a monthly column highlighting new ideas for advancing clinical research.
News and Product Briefs: A monthly roundup of new products and news briefs across the clinical landscape.
Meet the Writers

Allison Proffitt
Editorial Director, Clinical Research News
Deb Borfitz
Senior Science Writer
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