PHT Announces Browser-Based PRO

By eCliniqua Staff 

March 21, 2011 | At the DIA EuroMeeting next week PHT will formally announce NetPRO, an online, browser-based method for patient reported outcomes (PRO) data capture that enables sponsors to access global patient populations online. NetPRO collects ePRO data via the Internet, sends that data to a central server and database that allows for Web review by site and sponsor.

PHT NetPRO includes PHT’s secure backend server and StudyWorks for easy data management by sites and sponsors and provides more options to sponsors for collecting ePRO relying on familiar technology and no hardware. It is 21 CFR Part 11 compliant and a member of the same PHT ePRO system sponsors have used on over 450 trials. ePRO on the Web helps sponsors collect faster, more efficient data to help the clinical research industry develop new therapies, treat disease and improve quality of life.

NetPRO is ideally suited for post-market surveys managed through Medical Affairs, and is cost-effective for studies using daily diaries or regularly scheduled Quality of Life questionnaires, or involving infrequent data collection.