Deadline Extended for Clinical Ops Best Practices Award

By Clinical Informatics News Staff 
December 13, 2013 | The entry deadline for the inaugural Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards has been extended until Friday, December 20. Download the entry form here

This awards program seeks to recognize outstanding examples of applied strategic innovation—partnerships, deployments, and collaborations that manifestly improve the clinical trial process. Winners will be announced at the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives (SCOPE) in Miami, February 4-6, 2014.  

“The clinical operations space is full of excellent examples of collaboration,” said Clinical Informatics News editor Allison Proffitt. “We are excited about the opportunity to recognize these collaborations across the industry, and highlight the most exceptional examples at SCOPE.” 

Entries will be accepted from across the clinical trials landscape, and are encouraged to highlight customer success stories and case studies that advance the industry. The work for which recognition is sought must have been done in the last two years and be substantially complete. 

The entries will be judged by Clinical Informatics News editors and a panel of expert judges. Nominations are open to R&D and scientific facilities and labs in pharmaceutical companies, biotech companies, academia, government, medical or related institutions and organizations, as well as public and private research organizations.
For more information and to download the entry form, click here.