Berry Consultants Gets the FACTS

By Clinical Informatics News Staff 

February 7, 2014 | Berry Consultants has gained complete ownership of the Fixed and Adaptive Clinical Trial Simulator (FACTS) the company developed and marketed in cooperation with Tessella. This software, which Clinical Informatics News and sister publication Bio-IT World have followed since its launch in 2008, predicts how design features in setting up clinical trials are likely to affect trial outcomes and likelihood of success. FACTS can be used to help find drug dosages, plan for contingencies in patient recruitment, and set appropriate trial endpoints, among other features. A related joint project between Berry Consultants and Tessella was the winner in the category of "Clinical Trial Design" at the 2009 Bio-IT World Best Practices Awards.

With the deal announced yesterday, Tessella will relinquish its joint ownership of FACTS, which will become an exclusive Berry Consultants product. Tessella will continue to support current users, and help them transition as Berry assumes full ownership and continues development of the platform. “FACTS is a powerful tool for the clinical trial industry today, but even more looking forward,” said President Scott Berry of Berry Consultants in a statement. “We appreciate Tessella’s partnership, support, and expertise in developing FACTS.  It is the natural progression and growth of Berry Consultants to expand and develop FACTS going forward.”