GoBalto Announces Two-Year Partnership With SCRS

By Clinical Informatics News Staff

September 11, 2015 | Earlier this week, goBalto announced a two-year partnership with the Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS), the globe trade organization fully dedicated to representing the interests of clinical research sites. Under the agreement, goBalto will participate as a Global Impact Partner (GIP), a relationship designed to facilitate critical dialogue between industry stakeholders and clinical research sites.

"goBalto represents a handful of technology solution companies that have openly endorsed their commitment to clinical research sites," said Christine Pierre, SCRS President, in the announcement. "SCRS' GIPs are focused on acknowledging the realities that today's sites face, and actively addressing their challenges. goBalto is bringing technology disruptions to the cumbersome and inefficient clinical trial process and we are proud to welcome them as our newest Global Impact Partner."

Jae Chung, goBalto's President and Founder stated, "As a company dedicated to delivering innovative technologies that guide work and help standardize global processes by mitigating clinical risk and operational cycle times via "smart" workflows, we recognize the critical role clinical research sites play as collaborators in fulfilling this mission."

"The SCRS collective voice of global clinical research sites guides our development efforts and our industry adoption," added Chung. "We now service three of the top five CROs and more than two-thirds of the top 20 pharma's, representing more than 70 percent of clinical trial sites in phase II & III of the top 25 pharma companies at over 18,000 sites."

As a GIP, goBalto will participate on the SCRS Global Impact Board at an executive level, and work in tandem with SCRS' Leadership Council in the development and execution of strategic initiatives for SCRS.