PerkinElmer Sells LIMS Product to New LIMS Company

May 11, 2016 | PerkinElmer Health Sciences has sold its LABWORKS LIMS product line to Labworks, LLC, a new company comprising many previous PerkinElmer/LABWORKS employees. The LABWORKS LIMS product line has a 25-year history of LIMS excellence and a 300+ customer base. No financial details were released.

To ensure the success of the new company, a new management team has been created that, includes, among others, Paul Fjeldsted as the CTO and Lane Franks as the CEO. “I am passionate about the LABWORKS product line and our customer base. When I saw PerkinElmer begin to move in a different direction, I wanted an opportunity to create a high performance team that I knew could provide more for our customers,” Fjeldsted said in the statement. “Lane and I formed a vision, recruited an 'A team,' and presented a customer focused plan that showed our customer commitment and LIMS ability. PerkinElmer agreed with our vision and the new Labworks was born.”

“We are heavily committed to customer service and product innovation and we have assembled a team that is well positioned to drastically improve the experience of our hundreds of loyal customers,” said Franks, in the same press release.

Labworks has already created new features for its LABWORKS solution with its next release, v6.6, scheduled for early summer. The new features include, among others, a new instrument interface option, “NGII,” that will allow users to quickly and easily integrate with their instruments, as well as creating ScanDaemon and Process Scheduler services for greater performance and reliability. In the near-term, Labworks, LLC will focus their development resources on migrating functionality from the local client to web based functions and eventually to an “as-a-Service” model for customers that prefer such a model.