News And Notes From 2017 DIA Conference

June 23, 2017 | The 2017 Drug Information Association (DIA) Conference took place this week in Chicago, Illinois. DIA 2017 hosted more than 8,000 professionals in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device communities from more than 50 countries around the globe. Here are a few of the highlights from the conference.

Clinical Ink and Integron have partnered to extend Clinical Ink’s mobile device and sensor deployment capabilities to engage and collect data from patients in clinical trials. The life science industry is accelerating the adoption of mobile devices and IoT technology to simplify the patient experience while collecting increasingly sophisticated endpoint data.  Incorporating mobile and IoT devices requires global expertise to handle unique geographic logistical challenges, variable connectivity options, and device security/support for patients and sites.

Firma Clinical Research has announced its formal launch and official unveiling. The new company combines the expertise of Pharma Start and H20 Clinical, two distinguished clinical service organizations previously working in close collaboration, following an investment with management by Thompson Street Capital Partners, a St. Louis-based private equity firm. Built on decades of clinical development leadership and expertise, Firma Clinical supports the drug development efforts of pharmaceutical and biotech companies through advanced in-home patient visits, data management & biostatistics, medical writing, regulatory consulting, clinical pharmacology, and clinical operations. 

Comprehend Systems announced the newest version of its Clinical Intelligence Suite. With this version, Comprehend adds new functionality to quickly manage evolving study conduct data.

Oracle introduced Oracle Health Sciences Clinical One Platform, a cloud-based eClinical environment that is intended to redefine the way technology supports clinical research, and its first capability in the new environment, Clinical One Randomization and Supplies Management. Developing a potentially life-saving drug from a promising molecule to an FDA-approved therapy can take more than a decade and cost billions of dollars due to redundant processes, increasing volumes and variety of patient data, and older technology systems that don’t communicate with one another. Oracle Health Sciences is tackling these issues with its Clinical One Platform, a new cloud-based eClinical solution that will unify clinical development operations and information in a single environment with shared functions and an easy-to-use interface for sites, clinical coordinators and their counterparts.

CROS NT announced CROScheck, a clinical trial solution to deliver Sponsors the biometrics oversight needed to assess data integrity from multiple sites. By incorporating data management and statistical methodology along with technology, Sponsors can take a modular or full risk-based approach.

Bioclinica eHealth Solutions announces the launch of Clean Patient Optics, a first-of-its kind, fully-validated clinical trial software solution that surfaces insights to patient data for accelerated database lock and clinical trial timelines. The innovative product provides uninterrupted visibility into patient data status at the study, site and patient level, empowering study teams to optimally focus the data cleaning process and remove obstacles that can create costly delays.