Clinical Informatics News Welcomes 2018 Best Practices Entries

October 18, 2017 | Clinical Informatics News is accepting entries to the 2018 Clinical Informatics News Best Practices competition. The Clinical Informatics News Best Practices awards recognizes outstanding examples of applied strategic innovation—partnerships, deployments, and collaborations—that manifestly improve the clinical trial process. An expert panel of judges assesses entries, looking for solutions that are innovative and needed in the industry.

The deadline for entry is December 8, 2017, and the application fee will be waived for entrants who meet the early deadline of November 10, 2017.

“The clinical trial process is one that is constantly changing,” said Clinical Informatics News editorial director, Allison Proffitt. “These awards highlight the best of what we as a community have to offer in terms of innovation and solutions. We are proud to be a part of the conversation.”

This year, entries will be accepted in three categories: Clinical Data Intelligence, Study Startup and Design, and Patient Data Management.

Winners will be announced during the 2018 Summit for Clinical Ops Executives, which takes place February 12-15 in Orlando, Florida.

For more information on the program, and to download the entry form, please visit