Clinical Informatics News Announces Best Practices Awards Winners

February 14, 2018 | ORLANDO—The winners of the Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards were announced on Wednesday at the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives, SCOPE, in Orlando, Fla. Prizes were awarded to CRF Health, IQVIA, and Bioclinica.

The Best Practices Awards program seeks to recognize outstanding examples of applied strategic innovation—partnerships, deployments, and collaborations that manifestly improve the clinical trial process.

“Our goal each year is to recognize the projects that raise the bar on innovation in clinical trials,” said Allison Proffitt, Clinical Informatics News’ Editorial Director. “This year’s competitive field of entries further proves the dedication of the clinical trials community and industry to improving the clinical trials process for both patients and researchers.”

The judges named nine finalists, and from that pool chose winning entries in three categories: Clinical Data Intelligence; Study Startup and Design; and Patient Data Management.


Clinical Data Intelligence: IQVIA

IQVIA Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) initiative

The IQVIA Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) initiative, which is part of IQVIA’s connected devices platform, combines their operational and therapeutic expertise with industry-leading CGM technologies to capture and analyze glucose data in a clinical research environment. As a first mover in bringing CGM solutions to clinical trials, IQVIA’s CGM solution for clinical research promises to cut the time and cost of delivering diabetes drug trials so clients can speed new therapies to market.


Study Startup And Design: CRF Health

CRF Health TrialConsent--Developing a first-of-its-kind eConsent and eCOA hybrid technology to support data management and mitigate risk

TrialConsent is an intuitive electronic platform for designing, collecting, and managing the informed consent process. Launched in May 2016, the solution is a first-of-its-kind eCOA-native electronic informed consent (eConsent) technology which provides an electronic solution to outdated paper processes, promoting participant compliance and retention by driving better comprehension of a study’s unique requirements. As the only solution on the market to offer eConsent and eCOA on a single device, TrialConsent simplifies and provides consistency, control, and flexibility to the informed consent process, resulting in better informed patients, enhancing the integrity of data, reducing the burden on data managers, minimizing regulatory risk, and reducing costs. By combining eConsent and eCOA on a single device, TrialConsent removes the need for any additional consenting technologies to be included in a trial’s design, significantly reducing complexity for study teams.


Patient Data Management: Bioclinica

Transformational Medical Imaging in Clinical Trials: Bioclinica SMART

“SMART,” with AI and machine learning, is a medical imaging platform used for collecting, screening, storing, and sending pristine and HIPAA­compliant image data in clinical trials. The innovation enables rapid submission of images from research sites, anywhere around the globe, direct to the image readers in a matter of minutes. By giving research sites such speed, scale, and accuracy in their imaging management process across all their research sites ─ and with higher quality data and better outcomes ─sponsors and CROs can more fully recognize the value of scientific insights made possible through medical imaging.


Judges for the 2018 awards included Beth Harper, Clinical Performance Partners; Micah Lieberman and Lee Yuan, Cambridge Healthtech Institute; Craig Lipset, Pfizer; Elizabeth LaPointe, EndPointe Clinical Resources; and Allison Proffitt, Clinical Informatics News.