Clinical Research News: New Title, Broader Focus

January 21, 2019 | For more than 15 years, the team behind Clinical Informatics News has been covering technology and trends in the clinical research space. We’ve traced tools as they’ve developed, companies as they’ve grown and merged, clinical trial design over the years, data collection strategies, and emerging approaches to engagement and recruitment.

Along the way, the research landscape has changed. Participants have taken a front seat to clinical research: speaking up, buying in, and changing the shape of clinical trials. And we’ve jumped to tell that bigger story: stories of engagement, of patient advocates, of the champions of clinical research and the vision they’re casting of what it can accomplish.

We are announcing a new name and brand to better reflect that broad and passionate scope: Clinical Research News.

We will always be interested in the tools, gadgets, software, and pipelines that make research work and move treatments into the hands of patients. We’ll keep covering data analytics, informatics, platforms, and technology. But although the data are crucially important, this is—above all—a people business.

We are excited for Clinical Research News to reflect the full breadth of what powers clinical trials.

Allison Proffitt, Editorial Director, Clinical Research News