Clinical Research News Announces European Innovations Awards Finalists

By Clinical Research News Staff

August 20, 2019 | Today, Clinical Research News announced fourteen finalists in its 2019 European Innovations Awards. Winners will be named at the Summit for Clinical Trials Operations Executives Europe (SCOPE Europe) in Barcelona, Spain on September 18.

The European Innovations Awards program seeks to recognize outstanding examples of applied strategic innovation—partnerships, deployments, and collaborations that manifestly improve the clinical trial process. An expert panel of judges assesses entries looking for solutions that are innovative and needed in the industry.

"It's always inspiring to see the innovative solutions our clinical trials industry delivers year after year," said Clinical Research News editorial director, Allison Proffitt. "The companies represented in these finalists represent the dedication of the community to find new ways to improve the process for both researchers and, ultimately, patients."

2019 Clinical Research News European Innovations Finalists

4G Clinical — Prancer RTSM – Cohort Management

CluePoints — CluePoints’ Risk-Based Study Execution (RBx) and Data Quality Oversight Software for Clinical Trials

Deep 6 AI — Fontan Udenafil Exercise Longitudinal Assessment Trial (FUEL)

DNAnexus The RGC UK Biobank Consortium Data Delivery and Cohort Browser

Guys and St Thomas’ NHS trust (GSTT) Implementing the CogStack system at GSTT for the recruitment of patients to Clinical Research trials (Use of machined learning & AI)

Medidata Medidata’s Global eCOA Instrument Library

SGS, Life Sciences Successful development of a novel strain of Influenza A H3N2 for vaccine clinical trials

Signant Health & AstraZeneca SmartSupplies: the industry’s most comprehensive, patient-centric enterprise-wide technology to digitize the end-to-end clinical supply chain

Tata Consultancy Services TCS Advanced Drug Development (ADD) Platforms

Tata Consultancy Services TCS ADD Metadata Registry and Transformation platform

Tata Consultancy Services TCS Connected Clinical Trials (CCT) Platform

Tata Consultancy Services TCS ADD Data-driven Site Feasibility Platform

University of Southampton EDGE, the programme enhancing clinical research across the UK and beyond

Zeincro Turkey A Randomized Controlled Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of a new blood system; Treated Red Blood Cells in Subjects with Thalassemia Major Requiring Chronic RBC Transfusion