Top 10 Stories Of 2019: Right-Sizing Site Selection, CRF Bracket Relaunch, And More

January 9, 2020 | It’s been a big year for the clinical trials and the healthcare industry. Developments in real world data, machine learning, and study startup have led to a fantastic year of groundbreaking announcements and thoughtful discussions. As we head into 2020, we at Clinical Research News would like to take a moment and reflect on the achievements from this past year. In that spirit, here are the top 10 stories of 2019, ranked in order of popularity. —The Editors


1. Right-Sizing Site Selection: Predicting Enrollment

Janssen is one of a growing number of life science companies actively building its data science capabilities to improve clinical trial operations. The centerpiece of these efforts is a feasibility intelligence platform that uses real-world evidence (RWE) and data analytics to inform site selection strategies for studies. Read more

2. CRF Bracket Relaunches As Signant Health

CRF Bracket announced a new name and brand today. The company will now be known as Signant Health, a name more indicative of the kind of business the company is trying to build. Read more

3. What Is Holding Back The Adoption Of eConsent?

The eConsent field is challenging: on the one hand it represents a major improvement in the consenting process for clinical trial participants. On the other hand, it is fraught with regulatory uncertainties and industry ambiguity. Tearing apart this tangle will be necessary for eConsent to do what the technology is meant to do: inform trial participants and speed enrollment. Read more

4. The Future Of Real World Data In Clinical Trials

Real-world evidence is unarguably rich, but it’s also noisy and can be difficult to parse. But those challenges are worth overcoming. Read more

5. Oracle Closes goBalto Acquisition; Invests In Study Startup R&D

In October 2018, Oracle announced that it was buying goBalto and the company’s end-to-end site startup platform for an undisclosed amount. The acquisition closed in February. Read more

6. FDA Exploring New Approach To Software Oversight

A trio of new FDA documents released January 7 suggests the agency is trying to create a new oversight paradigm for Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) that is better aligned to the realities of software development without updating existing regulations or issuing new ones. Read more

7. Clinical Research News Announces European Innovations Awards Finalists

Clinical Research News announced fourteen finalists in its 2019 European Innovations Awards. Read more

8. How Real World Data Changes Clinical Trials, And What That Means For Patients

It’s an exciting time for real-world data and evidence. With more data available than ever—and an FDA commissioner who views the use of real-world data to improve regulatory decisions as a key strategic priority for the FDA—our options for including new data sources cover the spectrum of drug discovery and clinical trials. Read more

9. Duke's Big-Bang CTMS Deployment For Clinical Research

Last May, Duke went live with a new set of information systems designed to create a standardized clinical research experience for all biomedical researchers across the life cycle of their studies. All told, the migration took well over two years to stage. Read more

10. Applying Machine Learning To Everyday Medicine

Clinicians have largely overcome initial fears and doubts about the use of artificial intelligence, and are now wanting to know what real-world clinical problems it can solve and how to trust it. Read more