Press Releases
Pronalyse Division Announced Vaccines Analysis Service to Ensure Vaccine Safety
Pronalyse is a new division of Creative Proteomics, which is an integrated CRO company with rich experience in providing drug development service for over 10 years. Pronalyse is dedicated to providing professional analysis services in biopharmaceutical development. Recently, the product manager has announced the vaccines analysis service to ensure the safety, efficacy, purity and potency of vaccine products.
Jan 14, 2021
Ubiquigent and the University of York Awarded a Grant to Explore the Potential of Deubiquitylase (DUB) Enzyme Inhibitors to Address Neglected Tropical Diseases
Ubiquigent today announced a collaboration with Mottram Laboratory at the University of York to investigate the inhibition of deubiquitylase (DUB) enzymes expressed by the protozoan Leishmania mexicana for the treatment of leishmaniasis.
Jan 13, 2021
MedAI: Explore Therapeutic Antibody Discovery and Development for Disease Treatment
Bio-drugs are more extensively used in disease treatment, especially in the past decade. MedAI, an expert of AI-assisted R&D research company, announces that it now provides AI-driven solutions for the development of therapeutic antibodies, which could be used for the treatment of pathologies such as oncology.
Jan 13, 2021
BOC Sciences’s CDMO Helps Overcome the Last Hurdle of ADC R&D
Panthera began dosing volunteers in AstraZeneca’s phase III of its long-acting antibody combination AZD7442 for the prevention of COVID-19 at its sites in Preston, North Manchester and North London
Panthera’s clinical trial sites are helping to evaluate an alternative AstraZeneca vaccine for people who are unable to have the currently approved Covid-19 vaccines. The treatment is aimed at helping those people with a compromised immune system, who cannot be vaccinated, vaccine hesitant and those who are unlikely to respond to a vaccination.
Jan 3, 2021
IntegrateRNA Provided Innovative mRNA Solutions for Research of Life Sciences, Clinical and Drug Development
Enveda Biosciences Systematically Harnesses Untapped Potential of Nature’s Chemistry to Develop Next-Gen Therapeutics
BOC Sciences Upgrades Impurity Isolation and Identification Service to Help Advance Drug Research
Profacgen Provides Comprehensive Solutions for PEGylation
Protheragen Offers Acquisition Opportunity for A Complete Pentapeptide Library
Data Analysis at AI & Medicine: PrediXcan Based Analysis and BSLMM Prediction
AMZELL to initiate FDA-approved Phase 3 trial of innovative injectable treatment for infantile epileptic disease
AMZELL B.V to initiate a Phase 3 trial of its new treatment for infantile epileptic disease, AMZ002.
Nov 25, 2020
BioIVT Announces Charitable Donations to Honor its Clients’ Commitment to Medical Research
BioIVT is contributing to four healthcare organizations this year, focusing on cancer, liver diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and global health equity.
Nov 30, 2020
Cytel Acquires HEOR Experts Purple Squirrel Economics
Cytel has today announced the acquisition of Purple Squirrel Economics, expanding Cytel’s distinguished real world and advanced analytics team and further growing the global reach of Cytel’s extensive Health Economics Outcomes Research (HEOR) expertise. The acquisition marks the latest step in Cytel’s commitment to continue powering pharmaceutical development through novel applications of modern data analytics, and follows the company’s recent acquisitions of both MTEK Sciences and Ingress Health in the past year. Based in the US and Canada, Purple Squirrel Economics offers strategic leadership with a global perspective by engaging a team of senior health economists, HEOR value communication writers, research analysts, and market access professionals trusted by both regulators and payers. They help companies prove product value with rigorous quantitative insights, thereby driving products towards commercial success.
Nov 30, 2020
CCT Research Expands Clinical Trial Capabilities to Salt Lake City
CCT Research involved in COVID-19 vaccine research expands to Utah, partnering with local physician practices to enhance trial participation.
Nov 30, 2020
McKesson Ventures Invests as Clinical Ink Debuts Lunexis™ ePRO+ Solution
Clinical Ink, a global clinical trial technology company, today announced an investment from McKesson Ventures alongside its significantly enhanced electronic patient reported outcome (ePRO) module. Lunexis™ ePRO+ is part of a unified technology platform that streamlines implementation processes and allows patients and sites to choose how they want to participate in the study — smartphone, tablet, or web. Lunexis ePRO+ allows sites and patients to have unprecedented flexibility to choose the technology option that makes the most sense for them.
Dec 2, 2020
Independent Discovery Validates Noxopharm’s DARRT Cancer Therapy
Australian clinical-stage drug development company, Noxopharm (ASX: NOX), is pleased to announce that a discovery by Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, recently published in the prestigious scientific journal, Nature Immunology, significantly validates the novel DARRT anti-cancer treatment of its drug candidate, Veyonda®, in producing radiation-induced abscopal responses, regarded by many as the ultimate form of treatment for metastatic cancer
Dec 2, 2020
Cerner and Elligo to Make Clinical Trials Accessible for Health Systems of All Sizes
Cerner Corporation (NASDAQ: CERN), a global health care technology company, today announced an investment in Elligo Health Research, a leading integrated research organization that enables clinical trials with nationwide community-based health care practices.
Dec 7, 2020
APIS Assay Technologies Ltd. and Moffitt Cancer Center sign Master Collaboration Agreement on TROLL Biomarker assessment
APIS Assay Technologies has announced a master collaboration agreement with Moffitt Cancer Centre to characterise the suitability of TROLL-2 and TROLL-3 as predictive biomarkers of cancer progression with the goal to assess the role of TROLLs as markers of response to chemotherapy. The research collaboration will aim to determine the feasibility of lncRNAs as a diagnostic tool for the prediction of efficacy of treatment pathways and prognosis of treatment outcome in chemoresistant TNBCs and further analysing NSCLC and melanoma as potential diagnostic targets for the TROLL Biomarkers.
Dec 9, 2020
Alpha Solway honours top doctor with new ‘People’s Choice’ award
Scottish kidney specialist named winner at Scottish Health Awards for crucial work during coronavirus outbreak.
Dec 9, 2020