• There’s Got To Be A Better Way to Fight Cancer When Everything Else Is Falling Apart

    Clinical Research News | Since the United States’ first coronavirus case was confirmed in January 2020, COVID-19 has disrupted healthcare in myriad ways—and oncology clinical trials have not been spared. We can do better, and here’s how.

    Dec 15, 2020
  • Sore Eyes Significant Symptom, IgA Antibodies Dominate Early Response, Prophylactic Nasal Spray Development: COVID-19 Updates

    Clinical Research News I Dogs detect COVID-19 in sweat, safety evaluation of ventilator sharing, two-thirds lose sense of taste and smell, ethics of human challenge trials, Oxford COVID-19 vaccine trial results, blood vessel damage in children, diabetes and cancer patients at greater risk, transmission from mother to neonate rare, and effects of COVID-19 exposure on healthcare workers. Plus: New oral antiviral could block transmission, metformin may reduce death risk in women, and UC Davis joins Novavax for late-stage COVID-19 vaccine trial.

    Dec 11, 2020
  • Seattle Children’s Therapeutics Adopts New Mode Of Drug Development

    Clinical Research News | Several years ago, Seattle Children’s Research Institute realized it would need to “think and act” more like a biotech company to ramp up the development of medicines for pediatric use to treat cancer and other typically orphan-status diseases of childhood. Earlier this year, they launched Seattle Children's Therapeutics to do just that.

    Dec 10, 2020