• Amazon Alexa Is Now HIPAA-Compliant

    STAT | Amazon unveiled software on Thursday that allows health care companies to build Alexa voice tools capable of securely transmitting private patient information, a move that opens the door to a broad array of uses in homes and hospitals.

    Apr 4, 2019
  • Digitization Promises Improved Outcomes In Clinical Research Space

    Clinical Research News | Increasingly, the acquisition and digital analysis of health-related measurements is gaining merit in the clinical setting with the promise that artificial intelligence will increase the strength of diagnosis, prediction, and therapeutic efficacy.

    Apr 2, 2019
  • Forte, Saama, N-SIDE, And More: News From March 2019

    Clinical Research News | March was full of exciting news in the clinical trial and healthcare community, including partnerships, products, and promotions from Forte, Saama, N-SIDE, and more.

    Apr 1, 2019
  • Patient-Centric HIE Could Be A Reality In 2021

    Clinical Research News | The website of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology talks a fair amount about consumer-mediated health information exchange (HIE). The trouble is, there’s no sign of its existence in the real world.

    Mar 28, 2019
  • Khine Laboratory Uses Children’s Toy For Asthma Research

    Clinical Research News | Researchers at the Khine Laboratory are using Shrinky Dinks to analyze respiration monitoring and developed a wearable sensor that measures both respiration rate and volume with high fidelity simultaneously.

    Mar 26, 2019
  • GeneMatch Registers 76,000 Alzheimer’s Research Volunteers

    Clinical Research News | An innovative at-home program that recruits and refers healthy individuals for Alzheimer’s Disease clinical trials nationwide is sharing its design, program results, and participant feedback for the first time with the scientific community.

    Mar 25, 2019
  • How Mount Sinai Placed A Clinical Trial In The Palm Of Your Hand

    Clinical Research News | With the help of Apple’s ResearchKit, Mount Sinai was able to release their Asthma Mobile Health study app, enabling them to a clinical observational study in its entirety using a smartphone.

    Mar 22, 2019
  • The Impact Of Algorithmic-Enhanced Care

    Clinical Research News | Algorithms are changing clinical care. True AI—neural networks—will play a role, but less sophisticated algorithms are already powering dramatic improvements.

    Mar 21, 2019
  • Pulling Value Out Of Data With Natural Language Processing

    Clinical Research News | Natural language processing is the preferred means for a growing number of cancer centers, including the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, to turn unstructured and structured text into smart data by developing workflows automating the capture of information useful for downstream clinical research—reducing to nanoseconds what would have taken hours to do manually.

    Mar 20, 2019
  • The State Of Study Startup: 4 Key Themes

    Clinical Research News | A recent study reveals that contract research organizations, while outperforming clinical trial sponsors on multiple fronts, are still struggling when it comes to site performance and overall satisfaction.

    Mar 19, 2019
  • Blockchain’s Potential In Clinical Research

    Clinical Research News | Clinical research is a complex process involving various actors where trust, data sharing, security, and visibility need to be established from clinical trial participants, physicians, researchers, service providers, sponsors, and regulators. This is where blockchain comes in.

    Mar 18, 2019
  • Data-Driven Clinical Research: What We’ll Be Watching At Bio-IT World 2019

    Clinical Research News | As clinical trials gather more data from wearables, patient-reported outcomes, and real-world evidence in addition to traditional streams, systems for managing and using those data are becoming top priority. At the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo there are a host of sessions exploring how this is being done. The Clinical Research News editorial staff is busy marking our programs for the week. 

    Mar 14, 2019