• Blockchain's Implications In Healthcare

    Clinical Informatics News | Blockchain, the technology behind bitcoin, has a surprising degree of relevance for healthcare. In this series of stories, Clinical Informatics News writer Deborah Borfitz looks into emerging use cases for blockchain in health care and clinical trials, and speaks with some of the companies breaking new ground.

    May 8, 2018
  • Sequences For Sale: Blockchain In The Genomics Market

    Clinical Informatics News | While some groups are working to bring blockchain to clinical care, George Church plans to use the technology for carrier-status matchmaking.

    May 8, 2018
  • Blockchain-Secured, Patient-Controlled Health Records

    Clinical Informatics News | Physicians are particularly enthusiastic about blockchain’s potential to restore their clinical autonomy and relationship with patients by cutting out unnecessary middlemen. In the case of electronic health records (EHRs), the disintermediated parties would include hospitals and EHR vendors by shifting ownership to individual patients. It is arguably the most valuable use case for blockchain, and certainly the most popular.

    May 8, 2018
  • Real-World Blockchain Applications In Healthcare

    Clinical Informatics News | As blockchain visionaries see it, value chains of the future will have an entirely new infrastructure and change the nature of transactions involving “assets”—ranging from claims funneling into a revenue cycle to patients moving through an episode of care—by removing the need for an intermediary that sets the rules and extracts a fee.

    May 8, 2018
  • Geisinger Says DNA Sequencing As Preventative Care Is Ready For The Clinic

    Forbes |  Geisinger doctors will soon start offering patients DNA sequencing as part of routine preventative care, the Danville, Pennsylvania-based health system's president and CEO Dr. David Feinberg announced Sunday at the HLTH Conference in Las Vegas.

    May 7, 2018
  • National Adventure: All of Us Research Program Launches Prioritizing Diversity, Security

    Bio-IT World |  The National Institutes of Health opened national enrollment for the All of Us Research Program this weekend with a nationwide launch featuring events in New York; Birmingham, Ala.; Nashville, Tenn.; Detroit, Mi.; Kansas City, Mo.; Chicago; and Pasco, Wash. The launch events were broadcast on the All of Us website and Facebook live.

    May 7, 2018
  • ‘Pharma Bro’ Shkreli Is In Prison, But Daraprim’s Price Is Still High

    Kaiser Health News |  The saga of Martin Shkreli and Turing Pharmaceuticals focused a lot of attention on prescription drug prices, but no reversal of the exponential price increases for the lifesaving drug Daraprim resulted. The story offers an object lesson into the interworkings of the pharmaceutical market.

    May 4, 2018
  • Where Is Digital Medicine?

    Clinical Informatics News | Over five years ago, Ashish Atreja was intrigued with digital medicine and its potential to fill the gap between what hospitals and healthcare organizations wanted to be able to deliver for their patients and what they could deliver. Now, the Innovation Officer at Medicine Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai sees transformation for the entire industry in the next 5-10 years.

    May 2, 2018
  • Virtual Drug Trials Boost Results

    MIT News |  Bringing drug trials to the virtual realm with phone, email, and video chat through her startup Science 37, MIT alumna Belinda H. Tan '96 has found a way to cut the process in half.

    May 1, 2018
  • Oracle, College of American Pathologists, NVIDIA, And More: News From April 2018

    Clinical Informatics News | April was full of exciting news in the clinical trial and healthcare community, including partnerships, products, and promotions from Oracle, the College of American Pathologists, NVIDIA, and more.

    Apr 30, 2018
  • East Area Rapist: Questions About Use Of DNA From Genealogy Sites

    The Sacramento Bee |  The Sacramento district attorney said Thursday, April 26, 2018 that Joseph James DeAngelo was arrested in the East Area Rapist case following a match of family DNA with crime-scene DNA.

    Apr 27, 2018
  • A Clinical Trial Controversy Is Unfolding In Jaipur – Who Is Responsible?

    The Wire |  Twenty-one people from Churu district say they came to Jaipur to work for a "medical camp," which may have been a clinical trial, and given drugs of unknown identity.

    Apr 26, 2018
  • Cancer Centers Sell Out Science When They Push Clinical Trials As Treatment

    STAT Commentary |  Individuals thinking about participating in cancer clinical trials to help discover tomorrow's treatments deserve advertising messages that are truthful, balanced, and respectful of their role in advancing science, not hype.

    Apr 25, 2018
  • Jeffrey Modell Foundation, X4 Pharmaceuticals To Sponsor First Genetic Screening Study For Patients With WHIM Syndrome

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | The Jeffrey Modell Foundation and X4 Pharmaceuticals announced that they are jointly sponsoring a clinical study establishing a genetic screening protocol to help identify patients who have WHIM syndrome, a rare, chronic and life-threatening primary immunodeficiency.

    Apr 24, 2018