• Navigating A Connected World: Sensors In Clinical Trials And Care

    Clinical Informatics News | Novartis is hoping to answer the vast questions that surround connected sensor data, and how it might be used to improve drug development, clinical trials, and patient care.

    Apr 10, 2017
  • FDA Delays eCTD Requirements for Master Files

    RAPS | The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is giving drugmakers an additional year before requiring master files to be submitted in electronic common technical document (eCTD) format.

    Apr 7, 2017
  • It’s About Time: Clinical Trial Visit Simulations

    Clinical Informatics News | It's About Time | Highlighting new ideas for advancing clinical research, Norman Goldfarb speaks with Faye O’Brien from the Global Medicines Development at AstraZeneca about the need to start simulating clinical trial visits.

    Apr 5, 2017
  • Journal Editor Calls For Culture Change Around Clinical Trial Data

    STAT |  A summit convened by NEJM sought to determine the right balance between sharing data from clinical trials and keeping them private.

    Apr 4, 2017
  • Shortcuts In Drug Testing Can Increase Risk To Patients

    NPR.org |  Researchers use intermediate endpoints, like how a drug lowers cholesterol, to get a quick sense of whether the drug might improve health. But those shortcuts often don't show true benefits and harms.

    Apr 4, 2017
  • Move Over Las Vegas: How To Improve The Odds Of Late-Phase Clinical Trial Success

    Clinical Informatics News Contributed Commentary | The transition from phase 2 to phase 3 of a clinical trial has a very low success rate. Modeling and simulation technologies may serve as pivotal tools for reducing late-stage attrition.

    Apr 4, 2017
  • For Bristol-Myers A Victory And A Mystery

    Forbes |  In a relief to investors, the combination of Opdivo and Yervoy extends survival in melanoma. But to understand why Opdivo did not show a benefit in previously untreated lung cancer, we may need to look more closely at trial design and diagnostic tests.

    Apr 3, 2017
  • The FDA Does Not Care About Health Apps So the Courts Stepped Up

    WIRED |  Last week, the New York Attorney General's office settled lawsuits forcing three app developers to stop promising health-tech miracles.

    Apr 3, 2017
  • CluePoints, PAREXEL, goBalto, And More: News From March 2017

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | News, products, and partnerships from around the clinical trial and healthcare community including news from CluePoints, PAREXEL, goBalto, and more.

    Mar 31, 2017
  • FDA in India – Championing a Culture of Quality

    FDA Voice |  Mary Lou Valdez, FDA's associate commissioner for international programs, talks about the shared goals of India and the United States in drug and food safety.

    Mar 28, 2017
  • Dell Releases New Entry-Level, Quad-Core Thin Client

    Clinical Informatics News | Dell has released its smallest, most power-efficient thin client, the Wyse 3040. Available for $329, the system is compatible with Citrix, Microsoft and VMware virtual workspace environments, is highly secure, and easy to deploy and manage.

    Mar 28, 2017
  • Mobile Technology Shakes Up Pregnancy Research

    The Scripps Research Institute News |  Inspired by their own experiences, two researchers at The Scripps Research Institute and Scripps Translational Science Institute have launched The Healthy Pregnancy Study in partnership with WebMD. They will gather survey data from pregnant volunteers using the free WebMD Pregnancy app.

    Mar 24, 2017
  • Marking Up Our Agendas For Medical Informatics World 2017

    Clinical Informatics News  Earlier this week, the National Academy of Medicine released a report outlining vital directions for health and health care. Among the four priorities for action, the report highlights connected care—using technologies to link health data and improve patient experience. We agree that health technologies, connected care, and interoperability are vitally important work, and the Medical Informatics World conference in Boston in May will delve into many of those questions.

    Mar 23, 2017