• Why All Findings From Clinical Trials Need to Get Published

    STAT |  New research suggests nearly half of all clinical trials involving kids go unfinished or unpublished - which could put patients at risk.

    Aug 19, 2016
  • Watson for Oncology Launches in China

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | Twenty-one hospitals across China will adopt Watson for Oncology, a cognitive computing platform for physicians to help them deliver personalized, evidence-based cancer treatment options. The initial 21-hospital rollout is part of a multi-year partnership through which Hangzhou CognitiveCare—a new Chinese company—will introduce Watson for Oncology to hospitals across China. This is Watson Health’s first partnership in China.

    Aug 17, 2016
  • Why Big Pharma Gets A Failing Grade On Clinical Trial Transparency

    Forbes |  When Big Pharma doesn't fully disclose the results of all its clinical trials, both the industry and patients suffer consequences, says one bioethics expert.

    Aug 17, 2016
  • National Coordinator for Health IT Vindell Washington 9 things to know about the new ONC chief

    Healthcare IT News |  This past Friday, Karen DeSalvo, MD, officially stepped down as National Coordinator, passing the baton to her second-in-command, Vindell Washington, MD. The former principal deputy national coordinator has been with ONC since January 2016.

    Aug 15, 2016
  • Exclusion of Women from Clinical Trials Skews Results

    Science Daily | Clinical research often underrepresents women on the assumption that a painkiller or antidepressant will be equally effective in subjects of either sex, but a growing number of scientists are criticizing this approach.

    Aug 11, 2016
  • NEJM Doubles Down on Resistance to Data Sharing

    STAT |  An editorial argues that data sharing can cripple scientific progress and harm patients, but there are myriad flaws with that reasoning.

    Aug 10, 2016
  • NIH Awards $85 Million to UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute

    UCSF | A five-year, $85 million NIH grant to the University of California San Francisco will support programs to diversify research participants and better integrate technology into studies.

    Aug 10, 2016
  • TransCelerate BioPharma Introduces New Solutions

    Clinical Informatics News | TransCelerate, an organization of major pharmaceutical companies and clinical trial sponsors, has introduced programs to train study personnel on best practices in clinical trials, and to prevent redundant training on shared systems across the industry.

    Aug 9, 2016
  • How EHR Data Can Identify Patients Falling Through the Cracks

    Healthcare Informatics | A recent paper by researchers at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center in Houston demonstrated how commercial EHRs can flag diagnostic errors and missed chances for patient follow-up, but also exposed limitations in current EHR systems.

    Aug 8, 2016
  • SEC Charges Doctor With Insider Trading

    STAT |  The SEC alleges Dr. Edward Kosinksi traded shares of Regado Biosciences while he was involved in a clinical trial for one of the company's drugs.

    Aug 5, 2016
  • Pediatric Clinical Trials Are Often Abandoned Unpublished

    Forbes |  A significant number of pediatric clinical trials are either stopped before they're completed, or if completed, their results go unpublished.

    Aug 5, 2016
  • Top Clinical Investigators Seek To Dampen Impact Of Data Sharing

    CardioBrief |  Two articles in the New England Journal of Medicine express concerns about clinical trial data sharing and propose limitations and safeguards to limit its impact. Risks include: misleading analyses, enormous cost, and patient privacy.

    Aug 4, 2016
  • Oracle on Pfizer, Smaller Clinical Trials

    Clinical Informatics News | In Conversation | Pfizer had selected Oracle's InForm Cloud Service and the Siebel Clinical Trial Management and Monitoring Cloud Service to help manage and monitor its more than 300 clinical trials a year. But Oracle Health Sciences is also making a push into smaller markets, intent on convincing customers that their offerings are “right-sized” for all kinds of sponsors. Clinical Informatics News spoke with Steve Rosenberg, senior vice president and general manager, Oracle Health Sciences, about the company’s work with Pfizer and how it serves much smaller companies as well. 

    Aug 2, 2016
  • Value-Based Care Software, New Cancer Panels: News and Briefs

    Clinical Informatics News Briefs | News and product launches from clinical IT, bio IT, and diagnostics technologies include software to facilitate the move to value-based care, and new breast cancer panels.

    Aug 1, 2016
  • Innovating Randomization and Trial Supply Management

    Clinical Informatics News | The goal of clinical trials is to develop and market superior therapies with maximum efficiency at minimum cost. But doing so depends upon the ability to successfully complete every trial step with nuanced behind-the-scenes timing, skill, and precision. These rarely-noticed mundane, yet critical technological processes are taken for granted but are an integral part of today’s pharma landscape.

    Jul 28, 2016
  • FluGen Starts Clinical Trial for Universal Flu Vaccine

    Xconomy |  It took longer than FluGen planned, but a human clinical trial is now underway for the experimental universal influenza vaccine that the Madison, WI-based biotech startup is developing.

    Jul 28, 2016
  • Microsoft’s Iowa data center cluster to reach 3.2M square feet

    Computerworld |  Microsoft is creating some 3.2 million square feet of data center space in the West Des Moines, Iowa, area but in three separate locations. The combined investment is about $3.5 billion.

    Jul 28, 2016