• FDA Finalizes Guidance on Safety Data Collection for Late-Stage and Postapproval Trials

    RAPS |  The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday significantly revised and finalized guidance originally released in 2012 that will help industry understand what types of safety data needs to be collected in late-stage premarket and postapproval clinical investigations.

    Feb 18, 2016
  • One-Third of Clinical Trial Results Never Disclosed

    Bloomberg |  One-third of clinical trials conducted at 51 major U.S. universities and academic hospitals were never published in a peer-reviewed journal or in a government registry online, according to a new study in the BMJ.

    Feb 18, 2016
  • The Cloud in Clinical Care

    Clinical Informatics News | First results from the Intensive Trial of OMics in Cancer (ITOMIC) were published last month in the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2016;14:8-17). For the first published patient, 32 researchers from 14 institutions took part in evaluation.

    Feb 17, 2016
  • A Los Angeles Hospital Is Paralyzed by a Ransomware Attack

    The Atlantic |  A cyberattack in Los Angeles has left doctors locked out of patient records for more than a week. Unless the medical facility pays a ransom, it's unclear that they'll get that information back.

    Feb 17, 2016
  • Researchers Take Aim at Metastatic Breast Cancer

    Wall Street Journal |  Activists say the deadliest form of breast cancer has gotten short shrift until now.

    Feb 16, 2016
  • Turmoil at Zenefits and Silicon Valley’s Big Problem with Health Care

    Washington Post |  The health insurance broker Zenefits, now going through an executive shakeup, is just one example of a company with a Silicon Valley mindset failing to meet health regulations.

    Feb 11, 2016
  • Illumina to Build Interpretation Tools for Genomics England

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | Illumina and Genomics England announced a partnership today to develop a platform and knowledge base that can be used to improve and automate genome interpretation. The tools will operate within the Genomics England secure database to enable researchers and clinicians to access information and reports more readily.

    Feb 11, 2016
  • FDA clears BioGamings Microsoft Kinect-based physiotherapy software

    MobiHealthNews |  In another health application for Microsoft's Kinect platform, BioGaming has received FDA clearance for its YuGo Microsoft Kinect-based physical therapy system.

    Feb 10, 2016
  • What You Need To Know About FDA’s Clinical Outcome Assessment Compendium

    Clinical Leader |  One of the goals of CDER is to foster patient-focused drug development. As part of that effort, the agency has published a compendium of clinical outcome assessments (COAs) to promote the use of patient-focused outcome measurement in drug development.

    Feb 10, 2016
  • HIMSS Assesses Senate Bill to Improve Electronic Health Records

    Information Management | As the Senate debates a bill intended to support the security and interoperability of HIT systems, the Health Information and Management Systems Society considers the draft legislation's proposals.

    Feb 8, 2016
  • Watson the Pediatrician

    Clinical Informatics News | IBM Watson Health and Boston Children’s Hospital have created a joint venture to apply Watson’s cognitive platform to help BCH clinicians diagnose and treat rare pediatric diseases.

    Feb 5, 2016
  • Big Pharma Spending Big to Push Patients to Take Their Meds

    STAT |  The drug industry loses tens of billions in global sales each year when patients don't fill or refill prescriptions. It's out to change that.

    Feb 4, 2016
  • Best Practices Finalists Announced

    Clinical Informatics News | Clinical Informatics News today announced ten finalists in its 2016 Best Practices Awards. Three of the finalists will be named winners at SCOPE, the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives in Miami, Florida, on February 24.

    Feb 4, 2016
  • The Startup Tracking ‘Valuable’ Doctors for Big Pharma

    Bloomberg |  Zephyr Health says it can determine the value of a doctor's prescription pad.

    Feb 3, 2016