• EHRs Struggle to Exchange Data, Vendors and Providers Agree

    Bloomberg BNA | A workgroup centered on meaningful use guidelines for electronic health records has concluded that hospitals and providers have sharply limited ability to share patient records with one another.

    Jul 31, 2014
  • July Clinical News and Product Briefs

    Clinical Informatics News | Clinically relevant news and product releases from around the industry, including the rollout of the Open Medicine Institute's social health platform, and Oracle's new product suite for integrating clinical trial data.

    Jul 31, 2014
  • Eric Topol on the Medical Geographic Information System

    Clinical Informatics News | Individualized medical geographic information systems (GIS) are poised to transform medicine, says noted futurist Dr. Eric Topol, MD, director of the Translational Science Institute at Scripps Research Institute. The decreasing cost of next generation sequencing, and the increasing power and omnipresence of smartphones suggest that we as a society are moving from the “lab on a chip” world to the “lab in a body” world.

    Jul 31, 2014
  • Ugly Clinical Trials

    Matter | A two-part series at Matter looks at the underbelly of clinical trials: CROs that run most of their tests on homeless and mentally ill populations, and physicians who can no longer practice medicine, but still run trials.

    Jul 29, 2014
  • New Recruitment Company Lets Docs Refer Patients for Trials

    Clinical Informatics News | A new international company is attempting to match CROs and sponsor companies with investigators, clinical sites, and patients, help researchers save money, increase trial recruitment, and provide real-time data, all of which, it hopes, brings new therapies to market sooner.

    Jul 29, 2014
  • HIPAA vs the Age of Big Data

    Morning Consult | HIPAA was enacted in 1996, and it is causing some real challenges for health care groups as we move toward a more data-sharing, big data environment. Some are calling for a Congressional review of the act, but others think some questions should just be addressed.

    Jul 28, 2014
  • Cancer Research Groups Call for Change to EU Data Privacy Plans

    PharmaTimes | Cancer research groups are concerned about the informed consent language in the European Union General Data Protection Regulation, worrying it could impede cancer research.

    Jul 28, 2014
  • Establishing Baseline: Google's Next Big Project

    Wall Street Journal | Google's latest Google X project seeks to establish a medical baseline: a picture of what a healthy human looks like. For the Baseline Project, Google will collect fluid samples and genetic and molecular data--hundreds of data points--from anonymous patients without focusing on any disease area or condition.

    Jul 25, 2014
  • PierianDx Launches the Clinical Genomicist Workstation for SaaS NGS Analysis

    Clinical Informatics News | PierianDx is commercializing Washington University’s Clinical Genomicist Workstation (CGW), and is offering the software-as-a-service tool through a HIPAA-compliant cloud. The first two customers are Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Fla., and Fletcher Allen Health Care, affiliated with the University of Vermont College of Medicine.

    Jul 23, 2014
  • Error Message for Physicians Looking for Pharma Payments

    ProPublica | Doctors hoping to review recorded payments from pharma, which are required to be disclosed later this year as part of the Physician Payment Sunshine Act, are having trouble with the online database.

    Jul 22, 2014
  • Trials in India Rebounding for 2014

    Outsourcing Pharma | Clinical trials in India look to be rebounding 76 trials were approved from January to May 2014, compared to only 24 approved over the same period in 2013.

    Jul 22, 2014
  • Dark Side to EHR Adoption

    Boston Globe | While most in clinical-IT believe that electronic health records are absolutely necessary and will improve medicine and patient care, some groups are blaming forced adoption for medical errors and even deaths.

    Jul 21, 2014
  • Wearables: Leveraging the Health and Wellness Phenomenon

    Clinical Informatics News | Thanks to technology innovations, health and wellness treatment has become accessible to patients in ways never available before. The same is true in clinical trials. Focusing on activity monitors, there is a wealth of clinical applications explored in academia that may yield potential clinical trial benefits.

    Jul 21, 2014
  • HIPAA's Blind Spots for Data Brokers

    Healthcare IT News | A new report from the California Healthcare Foundation looks at gaps in the health data privacy and security protections contained in the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) when it comes to the activities of data brokers.

    Jul 17, 2014