• Roche Alzheimer's Drug Fails, but Should Trials Proceed Anyway?

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | Matthew Herper has a breakdown of the Roche’s failed Alzheimer’s trial data at Forbes today. While the trial itself didn’t succeed, Herper argues that it could still provide some hope for Alzheimer’s treatment, and suggest better trial design.

    Jul 16, 2014
  • JNJ's Consumer Business Needs Help to Support R&D

    Bloomberg | Johnson & Johnson is working hard to revive its consumer division, which could potentially add $500 million to JNJ's annual bottom line, supporting the more research intensive drug and device businesses.

    Jul 16, 2014
  • Informing the Protocol Building Process with the Patient in Mind

    Clinical Informatics News | In response to increasing pressure on biopharmaceutical sponsors to offer lower-cost, shorter-duration, and patient-centered clinical trials, a pharma veteran has started a company offering patient feedback—before trials—designed to help sponsors and patients by improving patient experience and reducing clinical trial cost and time.

    Jul 15, 2014
  • For Daktari Diagnostics, Point-of-Care Testing Requires Real-Time Data Access

    Clinical Informatics News | As Daktari Diagnostics field tests its cassette-sized CD4 counter in low-income nations of sub-Saharan Africa, it sees a real need to provide up-to-minute data to central labs, wherever the instruments travel.

    Jul 10, 2014
  • FDA Issues Letter to Gilead Calling for Removal of Sponsored Links

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | In mid-June, FDA released two draft guidances on how companies should deal with social media and sponsored links. Now the Agency has issued a letter to Gilead Sciences requesting that the company discontinue use of a sponsored Google link for Gilead's Viread, an FDA-approved treatment for chronic hepatitis B, because the links constitute misbranding under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

    Jul 8, 2014
  • Novartis Sets New Guidelines for Clinical Trials

    Bloomberg | After difficulties with a Japanese trial that started almost a year ago and culminating in an office raid last month, Novartis has released new guidelines for clinical trials.

    Jul 8, 2014
  • Google Not Interested in Being a Health Company

    Forbes | Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page are not interested in making Google a health care company, the two said at a recent CEO conference.

    Jul 7, 2014
  • The Patient Recruitment Solution

    Philadelphia Inquirer | In the wake of GlaxoSmithKline's recent patient recruitment debacle, A Philadelphia Inquirer column asserts that hiring patient recruiters isn't even necessary in the first place.

    Jul 7, 2014
  • PHT Chooses Android Platform, LG phone for ePRO

    Clinical Informatics News | PHT Corporation is making its electronic patient reported outcome diary, LogPad, available on Android devices, and is specifically provisioning the Nexus consumer phone from Google and LG Electronics.

    Jul 7, 2014
  • Thinking Outside the Office Visit at the Center for Connected Health

    Clinical Informatics News | As the rise of smart phones and social media opens new windows into people's daily lives, the Partners HealthCare Center for Connected Health is borrowing tricks from the ad industry, to seamlessly integrate its health messaging into patients' routines without shaming or lecturing.

    Jul 3, 2014
  • A Compact for Interstate Telemedicine

    New York Times | The Federation of State Medical Boards, which represents every U.S. medical licensing organization, has released draft legislation that would ease the licensing requirements for doctors treating patients in multiple states through telemedicine or online portals.

    Jul 1, 2014
  • Age Cutoffs in Oncology Trials Have Unintended Consequences

    PharmaTimes | A study published in this month's Lancet Oncology reveals that teenage cancer sufferers have fewer opportunities to enroll in clinical trials than children or adults, despite little scientific rationale for age cutoffs.

    Jul 1, 2014