• Coming Soon: The Best of Clinical Ops

    Clinical Informatics News | Clinical Informatics News is excited to announce that it is seeking submissions for the first Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards. This awards program seeks to recognize outstanding examples of applied strategic innovation—partnerships, deployments, and collaborations that manifestly improve the clinical trial process. The deadline for entry is December 16, 2013 and winners will be announced at the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives (SCOPE) in Miami in February 2014.

    Nov 11, 2013
  • Better-Targeted Clinical Test Cuts Antibiotic Use for Sore Throats

    University of Southampton | The FeverPAIN clinical test, when applied to patients complaining of sore throats, can offer greater precision in prescribing antibiotics without complicating clinicians' workloads.

    Nov 11, 2013
  • BMS Makes Cuts to Clinical Development/Ops

    Xconomy | Bristol-Myers Squibb is making cuts to the clinical development/operations group it acquired when it picked up ZymoGenetics in 2010.

    Nov 8, 2013
  • Covance, Pathoquest Collaborate on NGS Safety Platform

    Outsourcing Pharma | Covance and Pathoquest have signed an agreement to build an NGS-based biosafety assessment platform.

    Nov 7, 2013
  • Considering Compassionate Use

    New York Times | When it comes to the dying, some skip the full clinical trial process and take drugs offered as "compassionate use". But does that route rob us of valuable clinical information?

    Nov 5, 2013
  • Open Clinical Trials Data: Good for Pharma?

    TechDirt | There's been debate about whether clinical trials data should be made freely available. The European Medicines Agency had plans to release data, but AbbVie pharma objected.

    Nov 5, 2013
  • Taking on an Adaptive Dose Response Model

    Clinical Informatics News | Earlier this month, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) issued a qualification opinion on a statistical and modeling methodology for determining dose in clinical development.

    Oct 31, 2013
  • Building a Global Clinical Trials Network

    Clinical Informatics News  The idea came to Greg Koski while sitting in an airplane. “The entire world has come to recognize that the process that we've evolved for trying to get a new medical product—whether it's a drug, a device, or biologic—actually properly tested and reviewed, marketed, is fraught with enormous problems,” Koski says, “not the least of which, is the enormous inefficiency, redundancy in the process.”

    Oct 29, 2013
  • Highlights from the ASHG 2013 Annual Meeting - Implications for Clinical Practice

    Clinical Informatics News | With genetics moving confidently into the clinic, findings presented at the 2013 American Society of Human Genetics Meeting may have immediate clinical relevance. Here's what you might have missed.

    Oct 28, 2013
  • NIH Announces $79 Million in Clinical, Translational Science Awards

    Government Health-IT | The National Institutes of Health have announced $79 million in fiscal year 2013 funding to support 15 Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA).

    Oct 23, 2013
  • DrugDev Acquires CFS Clinical

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | DrugDev, an interactive network and data sharing platform for over 80,000 clinical trial doctors in 93 countries has acquired CFS Clinical (CFS), the leading specialty provider focused on the business and financial management activities for clinical trials.

    Oct 22, 2013
  • Crowdfunded Cancer

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | CureCancerStarter.org launched today, serving as a crowdfunding platform connecting cancer patients, their friends and family to cancer researchers.

    Oct 22, 2013
  • Trials in India Must Not Serve Multinational Companies

    Economic Times of India | The Economic Times of India reports that the Indian Supreme Court has ruled that all clinical trials in the country must be for the benefit of the Indian population and not "multinational companies." 157 trials already approved have been halted; five trials were approved to carry on.

    Oct 21, 2013
  • Ariad Pharma Cancels Trial

    Boston Globe | Ariad Pharmaceuticals abruptly terminated a clinical trial for a leukemia drug on Friday, after early trial data from 150 sites suggested safety issues such as blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks.

    Oct 21, 2013
  • Ask the Patients, Part 3: NQF and the Standards for Patient-Reported Outcomes

    Clinical Informatics News | The National Quality Forum's ongoing effort to endorse qualified performance measures based on patient-reported outcomes highlights the challenges to developing validated measurement tools - and the slow pace of our health care system in adopting them.

    Oct 18, 2013
  • Quintiles Builds Patient Registry for Muscle Disease

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | Quintiles and the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) announced a new partnership last week to develop and implement the U.S. Neuromuscular Disease Registry, a patient registry that will play an important role in determining effective treatments for people with muscular dystrophy and related muscle diseases.

    Oct 17, 2013
  • SaaS Win for the Life Sciences Industry

    VentureBeat | Veeva Systems, a software-as-a-service company that focuses on the life sciences industry, had its IPO this week, proving a SaaS model can see great returns in life sciences.

    Oct 17, 2013
  • Ask the Patients, Part 2: Eliza and the Vulnerability Index

    Clinical Informatics News | The health care system has learned to ask patients more about their physical health, but Alexandra Drane of Eliza Corporation wants to know what we can find out if we ask patients about deeper personal challenges in their lives.

    Oct 16, 2013