• Follow the Money: AI Drug Treatments, Stocks, Quantum Metabolic Polarizers, More

    Clinical Research News | Leveraging AI for drug treatments, stock investments, revolutionizing metabolic MRIs with polarizers, and more.

    Jun 27, 2023
  • Success in Simplicity: Complex Clinical Trials and the eCOA Systems That Support Them

    Clinical Research News | It’s no coincidence that clinical trials are becoming more complex. Advancements in technology are enabling sponsors, clinicians, and trial teams to gather more information than ever before. However, the latest “bells and whistles” can add complexity to trials and distract trial teams from their main focus: collecting data to advance therapies for very ill patients who need them most.

    Jun 23, 2023
  • Biologics, Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Current Focus Of Alzheimer’s Disease Trials

    Clinical Research News | The latest report on clinical trials in the Alzheimer’s drug development pipeline points to the growing potential of anti-amyloid monoclonal antibodies for treating the brain-robbing condition. Anti-inflammatory agents comprise the single largest therapeutic category with 25 drugs, but astoundingly no two are aimed at the same target.

    Jun 21, 2023
  • Rescuing a Study in Jeopardy with Comprehensive Clinical Adjudication

    Clinical Research News | Global clinical trial programs are complex, often encompassing dozens of studies for increasingly uncommon indications. Sponsors of these programs are wisely seeking out independent adjudication of clinical events, or endpoints, that occur over the course of the trial to ensure patient safety and the efficacy of drugs and devices. While endpoint adjudication is not required by regulatory bodies, it can deliver valuable insights during a trial and lend strong, unbiased support for approvals down the road.

    Jun 16, 2023