• PCORI Board Approves Strategic Plan, Funding for Maternal Health, Telehealth

    Clinical Research News | The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Board of Governors has approved the development of new research funding opportunities, providing up to $63 million for studies on reducing maternal health inequities and up to $50 million for research on using telehealth to improve management of multiple chronic conditions.

    Jun 14, 2022
  • A 20-Year Perspective On Breast Cancer Clinical Trials

    Clinical Research News | Wider availability and uptake of mammography screening globally among women under age 60 closely align with a threefold increase in their participation in breast cancer clinical trials over the past two decades. The numbers jumped most dramatically, from 39% to 87%, between the 2005-2009 and 2010-2014 time periods. Those demographics should be prompting sponsor companies to take a fresh look at how they are designing studies in terms of who should and could be included. More can be done to improve clinical trial diversity while being mindful of the duty to protect subjects from harm.

    Jun 14, 2022
  • Side Effects Of Cancer Treatment Could Be Tempered By Intermittent Dosing

    Clinical Research News | The frequency, degree, and speed of onset of immune-related adverse events from the experimental cancer drug AMG319, an inhibitor of phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ (PI3Kδ), came as an unwelcome surprise in a recent clinical trial involving patients in the UK with head and neck cancer. But the study also served to highlight how “absolutely critical” understanding of the immune system is to the development of rational immunotherapy.

    Jun 9, 2022
  • Genetic Control Of Autoimmune Disease Mapped To Cellular Level

    Clinical Research News | The pioneering OneK1K study in Australia has identified an immune “fingerprint” of seven autoimmune disorders using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). The general framework, which combines the scRNA-seq data with genotype data to classify individual cells, can be applied to many different diseases.

    Jun 8, 2022
  • The Scope of Things: Jasmine Smith and Dr. Deborah Duong on the First Decentralized AI Longevity Research Network

    Clinical Research News | With the latest innovations in medicine often prohibitively expensive, Rejuve.AI’s Jasmine Smith, CEO, and Dr. Deborah Duong, CTO, help patients achieve a healthy and extended lifespan regardless of economic standing. In the latest episode of the Scope of Things podcast, they, along with podcast host, Deborah Borfitz, discuss the world’s first decentralized AI longevity research network that provides equitable health and wellness solutions.

    Jun 7, 2022