• PharmaLedger Project To Create Blockchain-Based Clinical Trial Solution

    Clinical Research News | A 36-month PharmaLedger project sponsored by the Innovative Medicines Initiative and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations is attempting to create a scalable blockchain platform with use cases for clinical trials as well as supply chain and health data. In the trials arena, the focus initially was on eConsent, but the public-private initiative is now intent on creating an end-to-end solution for clinical trial conduct, according to a report given yesterday at the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives (SCOPE) in Orlando, Florida.

    Feb 10, 2022
  • Pandemic Pivots That Need To Persevere

    Clinical Research News | A fireside chat on what “fit-for-future” data operations might look like in a post-pandemic world was the topic of a keynote presentation on day two of the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives (SCOPE) in Orlando, Florida yesterday. The risk-benefit ratio on many innovative methodologies and technologies has flipped over the past two years, elevating their value in the “new normal” moving forward, as shared by executives from a trio of leading biopharmaceutical companies.

    Feb 9, 2022
  • Merck Using Virtual Reality To Make Pediatric Study Visits More Pleasant

    Clinical Research News | Merck took first place honors at Participant Engagement Award ceremonies on the opening day of the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives (SCOPE) in Orlando, Florida yesterday. Other honorees included Guardant Health and Tryl.

    Feb 8, 2022
  • Follow the Money: New Clinical Trials Platform, AI For Clinical Prediction, Cancer Risk Stratification

    Clinical Research News | Autoimmune disorder treatments, AI-Based clinical prediction, cancer risk stratification, available funding for clinical efficacy research, and more.

    Feb 8, 2022
  • Innovative Study Site Partnerships Help Sponsors Address The Challenges of Patient Centric Trials

    Clinical Research News | It is no surprise that the global pandemic has created challenges in allowing trial sites to conduct research focusing on efficiency and quality care. However, it has also brought to the forefront the long-established systemic issues that site teams face in trial operations and related patient care and staff burdens. Ongoing issues such as increasing administrative responsibilities and timely patient onboarding make it difficult for site teams to focus more of their time on the bigger picture of high-quality patient care.

    Feb 4, 2022
  • Trials for Mild Cognitive Impairment, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, MS; New ePRO Offering; THREAD Acquires InVibe

    Clinical Research News | Trials are in line for treating mild cognitive impairment, inflammatory bowel disease, and MS; ObvioHealth announces a new ePRO offering; positive results for Renalytix risk monitoring tool in diabetic kidney disease study; acquisitions, mergers, and more.

    Feb 2, 2022
  • Overcoming The Challenges of Outsourcing Rare Disease Trials

    Clinical Research News | Anyone who has ever played the game of telephone as a child knows only too well how a message can become completely scrambled by the time it passes through a succession of people. A similar type of communication breakdown can happen when a protocol gets communicated by a study sponsor to a contract research organization (CRO), and then handed off to study managers or monitors and ultimately clinical trial sites, especially for rare disease trials.

    Jan 31, 2022