• ACRES Delivers Global Accreditation Program

    Outsourcing Pharma | The Alliance for Clinical Research Excellence and Safety (ACRES) has launched a global accreditation program for clinical research sites, as part of its Site Accreditation and Standards Initiative, which has spanned the past six years.

    Aug 2, 2019
  • IBM, Solve.Care, Greenphire, And More: News From July 2019

    Clinical Research News | July was full of exciting news in the clinical trial and healthcare community, including partnerships, products, and promotions from IBM, Solve.Care, Greenphire, and more. 

    Jul 31, 2019
  • Pregnancy Compensation Hypothesis: Women Really Are In A Pickle

    Clinical Research News | A new theory is uniting full lines of evidence from anthropology, immunology, and evolution to explain sex differences in the risk for autoimmune diseases and certain cancers. An interdisciplinary team of scientists at Arizona State University (ASU) have coined it the Pregnancy Compensation Hypothesis and describe the phenomenon in the July 1 issue of Trends in Genetics.

    Jul 30, 2019
  • Understanding The Plight Of Caregivers In Clinical Research

    Clinical Research News | A growing body of caregiver research suggests that the people working tirelessly behind the scenes to get loved ones to and from their doctor appointments and through activities of daily living are themselves in need of some TLC.

    Jul 29, 2019
  • The Pistoia Alliance To Develop Toolkit To Support FAIR Implementation

    Clinical Research News Brief | The Pistoia Alliance recently announced the launch of its FAIR Implementation project. The first project milestone by the end of 2019 will be the release of a freely accessible toolkit to help companies implement the FAIR guiding principles for data management and stewardship.

    Jul 26, 2019
  • TransCelerate Points A New Way Forward For Clinical Trials

    Clinical Research News | The nonprofit collaborative TransCelerate BioPharma is making strides on multiple fronts to improve site-sponsor relationships and the clinical trial experience. It has even designed a Clinical Registry of the Future (RotF) in hopes of influencing change to government-sponsored registries that many have found confusing and unfriendly.

    Jul 24, 2019
  • What Does Risk Mean?

    Clinical Research News Contributed Commentary | Risk is ubiquitous in all areas of life and risk management is something that we all do, whether we are managing a clinical trial or simply crossing the road.

    Jul 22, 2019
  • Control Arm Supplementation: First Step Toward No-Placebo Trials

    Clinical Research News | Eliminating a study's control arm by substituting pre-existing real-world data (RWD) is an idea that has captured the imagination of industry sponsors looking to gain efficiencies and cost savings—and reduce participants' fears that they will be end up getting a placebo.

    Jul 16, 2019
  • The Human Microbiome Has Parallels With Forest Ecology

    Clinical Research News | The recently concluded Human Microbiome Project successfully captured host and microbial properties linked to disease in a trio of longitudinal studies. To microbiome researchers, comparing the human microbiome with forest ecology can be irresistible since it's a lot easier to see a tree than a bacterium.

    Jul 12, 2019
  • Speeding Drug Development For Kids With Cancer

    Clinical Research News | The current lag time between first-in-human and first-in-child clinical trials for kids with cancer is concerning to the early phase clinical trials program at the Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center.

    Jul 11, 2019