• Three Steps Toward Ensuring HIPAA Compliance

    Clinical Research News Contributed Commentary | It may be safe to say that many organizations are still perplexed about HIPAA audits, enforcements, and compliance. As a result, the number of organizations that fail to meet compliance each year remain the majority. To begin understanding compliance, healthcare organizations would be wise to consider three key recommendations.

    Apr 25, 2019
  • Do You Know Where Your Investigational Product Is? IRT Does

    Clinical Research News | Clinical trials are contingent upon investigational product being available at clinical sites on schedule, every time. Investigational product is highly regulated, and IRT offers vendors and sponsors a way to effectively monitor a drug’s passage from depot to shipment to receipt at clinical sites while also managing multiple aspects of the clinical trial process.

    Apr 24, 2019
  • It's About Time We Start Thinking Ahead

    Clinical Research News | It's About Time | Clinical researchers must consistently invest in proper planning before launching major initiatives like starting a new research program, implementing a technology, or developing a research office. Planning takes time, but failed projects take a lot more.

    Apr 23, 2019
  • Jumpstarting eConsent With Collaboration, Self-Authoring

    Clinical Research News | For nearly 15 years now, study sponsors have had the option of making the informed consent process a multimedia experience for patients rather than a static paper form to be signed. Clinical research publications have been writing about the virtues of electronic informed consent (eConsent) for years, and the technology is broadly accepted even in the most tightly regulated regions of the world.

    Apr 17, 2019
  • Patients At Center Of Fast-Growing Health Information Exchange

    Clinical Research News | It is well known that patients empowered to take actions to manage their health and care are healthier patients who can save payers and providers money. That's why the Utah Health Information Network is running one of the few health information exchanges (HIEs) with a patient portal designed to give individuals access and control over their data to keep them involved and informed about their own healthcare.

    Apr 11, 2019
  • Movement Underway To Include Pregnant Women In Research

    Clinical Research News | Researchers have long believed that ethics generally precludes conducting clinical studies with pregnant women, which also spares investigators the administrative burden of their involvement. A recent movement, however, is shining a light on the consequences this approach has on expectant mothers in the real world.

    Apr 9, 2019
  • Clinical Research News Welcomes 2019 European Innovation Awards Entries

    Clinical Research News | Clinical Research News is accepting entries for the 2019 Clinical Research News European Innovation Awards competition.

    Apr 8, 2019
  • AI For Clinical Trials All Smoke and Mirrors

    Clinical Research News | The problem with applying artificial intelligence in healthcare is twofold—innovation is antithetical to the corporate culture and data is viewed as the provenance of the IT department, according to Ron Williams, founder and CEO of Business Evolution. For all the talk about AI at industry conferences, most vociferously by vendors in the exhibition hall, the technology has made next to no inroads in the real world, he says.

    Apr 5, 2019
  • Verantos Announces Collaboration With Amgen On Real World Evidence

    Clinical Research News Brief | Verantos announced a collaboration with Amgen focused on the use of advanced data sources and artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve high-accuracy observational studies.

    Apr 4, 2019