• 2014 Banner Year for New Drug Approvals

    Forbes | 2014 saw the highest number of new drug applications approved by FDA since 1996, but John LaMattina argues that 2014 was the most prolific year ever for drug approvals. 

    Jan 8, 2015
  • Health IT Labor Force Not Keeping Up With Demand

    Clinical Informatics News | A report issued last month highlights the growing number of open health informatics positions.

    Jan 7, 2015
  • FDA Makes It Easier to Find Guidance Documents

    RAPS | The FDA has kicked off the new year by cleaning up its muddle of web pages for guidance documents, the crucial advisory papers that clarify the agency's position on niche types of drugs, medical devices and other regulated products.

    Jan 6, 2015
  • November and December Clinical News Briefs

    Clinical Informatics News | News and product releases from around the industry, including decision support guidelines for the use of genomic testing in cancer treatment, and a new platform for developing mobile health tools.

    Dec 30, 2014
  • Only Smarter Prescribing Can Solve Medication Adherence

    Forbes | Bob Kocher and Brad Stulberg argue that increasingly complex drug regimens are running into a fundamental limit of the human mind, and that prescribing fewer drugs is the only way to ensure patients take their most important medications properly.

    Dec 29, 2014
  • Front Opens in War on Drug Prices as Biotech Sinks

    Bloomberg | The biotechnology industry's two-year run of riches is at risk after a decision by the biggest U.S. drug manager to block one of the best-selling products in history.

    Dec 23, 2014
  • Genome revolution targets treatments for common cancers

    The Independent | NHS patients in England will be the first in the world to participate in an ambitious government-led programme to sequence 100,000 genomes as part of a "paradigm shift" in healthcare focusing on the genetic causes of disease.

    Dec 22, 2014
  • IBM Training Visual Diagnostics Cognitive Computing Project

    Clinical Informatics News | IBM and Memorial Sloan Kettering announced yesterday a project to apply cognitive computing to the problems of melanoma diagnosis. IBM’s cognitive visual computing can be trained to identify specific patterns in images by gaining experience and knowledge through analysis of large collections of educational research data.  

    Dec 18, 2014
  • Parks 41 percent of caregivers use a digital health device

    mobihealthnews | New research suggests that digital health devices are crucial for those caring for family members. Caregivers use mobile health tools considerably more than the average American.

    Dec 18, 2014
  • U.S. Patent Office Revises Guidelines After Drugmakers Complain

    WSJ | The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued revised guidelines for its examiners that should make it easier for drug makers and biotechs to obtain patents for their inventions.

    Dec 17, 2014
  • Half of All Doctors Use the Doximity Social Media Site

    Inc.com | Many have tried to start a 'LinkedIn for doctors,' but Doximity has signed up 400,000 doctors by allowing them to exchange valuable medical information.

    Dec 12, 2014
  • Medidata and Patient Profiles Launch RBM Tool

    Clinical Informatics News | In late October, Medidata acquired Patient Profiles, an early-stage software company focused on improving clinical trial data quality. Yesterday, the company has announced an enriched solution for risk-based monitoring (RBM) of clinical trials using the Patient Profiles technology. It's a perfect "small bite" entry to RBM, the company says.

    Dec 11, 2014
  • Rethinking Risk Factors

    Aeon | As American medicine spends more and more effort controlling biomarkers like cholesterol and prostate-specific antigens to make incremental gains against disease risk, it may be time to consider how much risk is acceptable, and how much intervention is too much.

    Dec 10, 2014
  • SCOPE Preview: Patient Engagement & Enrollment

    Clinical Informatics News | In February, Clinical Informatics News will be attending the 2015 Summit for Clinical Ops Executives—SCOPE—in Orlando, Fla. We sent a handful of questions to several SCOPE speakers to get a taste of what’s on the agenda. Eric Peacock of myHealthTeams and Taya Skubiak of Bristol-Myers Squibb talk patient enrollment and engagement. 

    Dec 10, 2014
  • Merck to Buy Cubist for 8.4 Billion for Its Antibiotics

    Businessweek | Merck & Co. agreed to buy Cubist Pharmaceuticals for $8.4 billion in cash to add products to help fight the growing threat of drug-resistant bacteria.

    Dec 8, 2014