• A Blended Solution–How Midsize Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies Can Optimize the Delivery of Their Clinical Trials

    Clinical Research News | Large biopharma companies use two outsourcing models to deliver their clinical trial portfolios: CRO and FSP. But what about mid-sized companies? As they experience significant growth in development, have their operating models grown with them?

    Aug 12, 2022
  • Classification System For Colorectal Cancer Needs An Update

    Clinical Research News | A multi-national team of clinicians and scientists has determined that the consensus molecular subtype (CMS) classification of colorectal cancer needs updating to better reflect the molecular underpinnings of the disease.

    Aug 11, 2022
  • GA4GH Phenopackets Standard Published By ISO

    Clinical Research News | The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published Phenopackets, a standard initially developed by the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health and championed at ISO under the Canadian Mirror Committee to ISO/TC215/SC1 Genomics informatics, and supported by the Standards Council of Canada.

    Aug 10, 2022
  • Online ‘Biclustering’ Tool Stratifies Patients To The Molecular Level

    Clinical Research News | Researchers in Germany have developed a web-based tool, powered by machine learning, which extracts disease subtypes from large pools of patient data. The goal is more precise and robust predictions about molecular signatures that can serve as a starting point for investigating disease heterogeneity.

    Aug 9, 2022