• Walgreens’ Decentralized Clinical Trial Future

    Clinical Research News | In June, Walgreens launched its clinical trial business in an effort to combine the company’s vast foundation of patient insights, partner-enabled health and technology capabilities, and in-person and virtual care options to break through barriers to engaging broader and more diverse communities.

    Aug 4, 2022
  • Finding the Silver Lining: Data and Knowledge Sharing Through Research Data Networks

    Clinical Research News | Research communities face tremendous challenges in creating and acquiring FAIR data. In the latest Scope of Things podcast episode, Dipak Kalra, president of i~HD, talks about research data networks, navigating the pandemic, and new data regulations from the European Commission.

    Aug 2, 2022
  • Leveraging Non-Wrist Wearables for Healthcare and Clinical Trials

    Clinical Research News | Wearables enable us to measure and derive any number of digital clinical endpoints, but their value—and challenge—lies in having those endpoints validated and broadly accepted. An open-source approach to algorithm development is crucial, especially involving non-wrist wearable use cases.

    Jul 29, 2022