• Pay-for-Performance Reaches Children

    News Medical | Two years after Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts implemented its Alternative Quality Contract system, local health care experts are examining the program's effects on pediatric care.

    Dec 23, 2013
  • December News Briefs

    Clinical Informatics News | Clinical news from around the industry, including a new CLIA lab supporting clinical cancer trials, natural language processing of electronic health records, and more.

    Dec 23, 2013
  • HHS Names New Health-IT National Coordinator

    Clinical Informatics News | Dr. Karen DeSalvo will be the next National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced yesterday. Her first day will be January 13.

    Dec 20, 2013
  • Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation Launches Research Gateways Powered by GenoSpace

    Clinical Informatics News | With a wealth of genomic and clinical treatment and outcomes data, the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation wanted to build a data gateway for researchers to share data, treatment details, and push research forward. To build the underlying infrastructure, they turned to John Quackenbush and GenoSpace.

    Dec 19, 2013
  • Big Data's Promise for Clinical Trials

    Forbes | Big healthcare data is coming. Matthew Herper spoke with some industry movers about the use of personal fitness devices to more accurately track healthcare measures and the likelihood of database-based clinical trials.

    Dec 17, 2013
  • Deadline Extended for Clinical Ops Best Practices Award

    Clinical Informatics News | The entry deadline for the inaugural Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards has been extended until Friday, December 20.

    Dec 13, 2013
  • Health Record Sharing Program to Enter Three-State Trial

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | The CommonWell Health Alliance has announced that a trial of its plan for fluidly sharing patient health records between providers will commence in early 2014, with select acute and ambulatory care providers in three municipal areas enlisted in the rollout.

    Dec 12, 2013
  • New Clinical Product from Foundation Medicine

    Business Wire | Foundation Medicine has released its second genetic cancer profiler for clinical use, this time targeting hematologic cancers and certain sarcomas.

    Dec 10, 2013
  • Patients Weigh in on Clinical Trial Materials

    Clinical Informatics News | The pharmaceutical industry has commissioned the first survey of participants in clinical trials to ask how the trial materials impacted patients' experience and compliance.

    Dec 6, 2013
  • A Review of Sourcing Approaches Within Clinical Development

    Clinical Informatics News | Guest Commentary | As budgets become tighter and tighter, many pharmaceutical, biotechnology and device companies are having to continually re-assess the way that they are supporting research and development activities to ensure a cost effective approach while maintaining quality.

    Dec 5, 2013
  • New Name, Focus for PharmaPros

    Clinical Informatics News | PharmaPros is shifting their focus and changing their name. The company has unveiled a new identity — eClinical Insights, Inc. — and a clinical software platform that values automation in a “post-EDC world.”

    Dec 3, 2013
  • Targeted HIV Therapy Without Genotyping

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | A new computational model released by the HIV Resistance Response Database Initiative (RDI) tailors HIV drug cocktails to individual patients, without the need to perform expensive genotyping.

    Nov 26, 2013
  • Infinata Hosts Roundtable to Plan New Site Survey Product

    Clinical Informatics News | Of the pain points in clinical operations, Infinata believes site surveys are one of the worst: a crucial step to study start up that is often painful and slow. The company invited representatives from the sponsor, CRO, and site communities to Boston last month to discuss needs, ideas, and solutions to the challenge. The company plans to use the results of the discussion to fine tune their forthcoming site survey product that they expect to launch in February.

    Nov 22, 2013
  • Mysterious Virus Could Help Gauge Transplant Outcomes

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | The prevalence of the common but little-understood anellovirus tracked closely with levels of immune suppression in a study of transplant patients published today in Cell.

    Nov 21, 2013
  • When Should We Stop Screening for Cancer?

    Clinical Informatics News | It has long been acknowledged that cancer screens in the elderly may do more harm than good, but precise age cut-offs are difficult to estimate and validate. A team from the National Cancer Institute believes that better life expectancy tables, taking into account patients' comorbidity, could improve quality of life for elderly patients by directing cancer screens toward those most likely to benefit.

    Nov 19, 2013
  • TrialNetworks Co-Founder Nominated for Surgeon General

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | President Obama has nominated Vivek Murthy, co-founder and Chairman of TrialNetworks, to serve as the 19th US Surgeon General.

    Nov 18, 2013
  • CCMP Exploring $1.2B Sale of Medpace

    Reuters | Medpace, a CRO offering therapeutically specialized clinical development, is on the auction block according to Reuters. 

    Nov 15, 2013
  • Memorial Healthcare's Vendors Get VETTED

    Clinical Informatics News | You might be surprised how much fraud can flourish in the vendor networks of a large hospital system. Over the past year and a half, Florida's Memorial Healthcare System has used big data solutions to dig up fraud in its third-party contracts — with astonishing results.

    Nov 14, 2013
  • EHRs Should be Unregulated, Association Says

    Government Health IT | The Electronic Health Record Association has released a letter affirming that EHR systems should not be treated as medical devices and should remain unregulated by FDA.

    Nov 11, 2013