• Trial Apps One Network at a Time

    Clinical Informatics News | “At our heart we are a technology company,” Eric Silberstein says, “but we are technologists who have a very deep appreciation for and understanding of clinical trials. We basically believe that clinical trials are some of the most important things that take places in this world.” 

    Oct 16, 2013
  • Ask the Patients, Part 1: Judy Hibbard and the Patient Activation Measure

    Clinical Informatics News | Dr. Judith Hibbard and her colleagues have found a single measure that correlates with healthy lifestyles, preventive medical behaviors, positive health profiles, fewer hospitalizations, effective self-management and lower health care costs. And the best news is, with a little effort from hospitals, clinics and providers, anyone can be moved up the scale.

    Oct 15, 2013
  • How Much Does Cancer Cost the European Economy?

    The Lancet Oncology | A team of British researchers has released an estimate of the total cost of cancer to the 27 countries in the European Union, taking into account both direct healthcare costs and indirect productivity losses to the economy.

    Oct 14, 2013
  • PREDICTING Genomics Uptake in the Clinic

    Clinical Informatics News | Vanderbilt University’s PREDICT program is putting genomes to work in the clinic, using drug-gene interaction data to suggest the right drugs for cardiology patients. The biggest challenge, though, might lie in predicting people’s behavior.

    Oct 11, 2013
  • GSK CEO on Publishing Trial Results

    Fox Video | GlaxoSmithKline CEO Andrew Witty speaks with Fox about GSK's committment to publishing all clinical trial reports, and how the data will improve the industry.

    Oct 11, 2013
  • Quantifying Failure: Tufts Identifies Why Trials Fail

    Clinical Informatics News | Failure is a known risk during any clinical trial, particularly since later stage failures can cost tens of millions of dollars in addition to valuable resources that could be redirected for other product development. The Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (CSDD) researched reasons for failure in an effort to help drug developers quantify the reasons.

    Oct 11, 2013
  • For Physicians, More Time With Patients Equals Higher Job Satisfaction

    RAND Corporation | According to a recent study, physicians report more professional satisfaction when they perceive the quality of patient care in their practices to be high.

    Oct 10, 2013
  • Existing NIH Trials Continue, but Slowly

    New York Times | Critically ill patients are still being enrolled in National Institutes of Health trials since the government shutdown, but the pace has slowed drastically.

    Oct 10, 2013
  • A Home IT Tool to Promote Seniors' Independence

    Barcelona Digital Technology Center | A European collaborative this week released the first prototype of a home IT tool for seniors, to promote their health, security, and social participation.

    Oct 9, 2013
  • Our Genomes Are Talking to Us - Are We Good Listeners?

    Clinical Informatics News | Two large-scale surveys, the Coriell Personalized Medicine Collaborative and the Impact of Personal Genomics Study, have have been peering into consumer responses to genomic test results. Now they're delivering insights into the mindsets and health behaviors of patients who seek out whole genome sequencing.

    Oct 8, 2013
  • Big Data in Clinical Trials: Learning from More Patients

    InformationWeek | Big data can transform clinical trials. At least that's the gamble Merck is making with its partnership with Maccabi, the second largest health organization in Israel, to use their data for clinical trials.

    Oct 8, 2013
  • Adaptive Designs: Managing Clinical Trials for Accelerated Drug Development

    Clinical Informatics News | Many changes are in play that impact drug development strategies:  growth of global markets, increasing age of population, and the associated cost pressure of chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes.  The Affordable Care Act provides a new set of cost pressures by expansion of coverage, development of new health insurance markets, controlling cost and improving quality of health care delivery.

    Oct 3, 2013
  • Clinical Trials on Hold Due to Shutdown

    CNN | New patient registrations for NIH-funded clinical trials are on hold due to the government shutdown. Six new studies slated to start this week have been put on hold.

    Oct 2, 2013
  • Quintiles Launches Personalized Cancer Treatment Study

    Med City News | Quintiles has launched a study to develop best practices in pre-screening for personalized cancer treatments. Focusing on colorectal cancer patients, the study will look at how pre-profiling and genomic sequencing data could support physician treatment decisions.

    Sep 30, 2013
  • Blood Test Distinguisheds Between Viral and Bacterial Infections

    Vaccine News | Researchers at Duke Medicine developed a test that shows greater than 90% accuracy when distinguishing between viral and bacterial respiratory infections.

    Sep 24, 2013
  • First Health-IT Incubator in Baltimore

    Clinical Informatics News Briefs | DreamIt Ventures is launching DreamIt Health Baltimore, a partnership with The Johns Hopkins University and BioHealth Innovation to recruit, invest in, and speed the growth and success of a select group of early-stage health IT companies.

    Sep 19, 2013
  • CluePoints’ Statistical Strategies Enhance Risk-Based Monitoring

    Clinical Informatics News | Francois Torche, CEO of CluePoints, a statistical monitoring provider, has a front row vantage point on the ongoing industry-wide shift to risk-based monitoring (RBM).  He sees RBM as critical to improving the quality of clinical trial data through the use of statistical methods that help define more effective on-site monitoring strategies.

    Sep 18, 2013
  • Lilly's Public Design Challenge

    Clinical Informatics News | Eli Lilly and Company has issued a public challenge to transform clinical trials from intimidating to patient-centered. With $75,000 in prize money available, the Clinical Trial Visualization Redesign Challenge is a call to creative, public innovators outside pharma to reconstruct communication and designs in patient-centered ways. 

    Sep 13, 2013
  • DIA Names Kunz Global Chief Executive

    Clinical Informatics News Brief | DIA announced today that Barbara Lopez Kunz has begun leading the organization as global chief executive.

    Sep 12, 2013
  • Clinical Trial Landscape in Central and Eastern Europe

    Clinical Informatics News | Guest Commentary | Following the fall of the Iron Curtain toward the end of the 1980´s, the region of Central and Eastern Europe including post-Soviet states was exposed to a growing demand among the pharmaceutical companies eager to conduct clinical trials. We have learned that this region—particularly the countries in the West of the region: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia, Slovakia and Slovenia—offers trial sponsors treatment standards and diagnostics technologies very close to the quality of Western European countries.

    Sep 12, 2013