• Smartphones for Monitoring Parkinson's Patients

    eWeek | The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) for Parkinson's Research has been seeking insights on how mobile data can aid Parkinson's patients. LIONsolver, which stands for Learning and Intelligent Optimization Solver, won the foundation’s February; challenge to encourage use of patient data from smartphones for monitoring and treatment of Parkinson's.

    May 3, 2013
  • PhRMA, Merck, Others Partner on Drug Adherence

    Forbes | Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, the Council for Affordable Health Coverage, and the American Academy of Family Physicians have launched Prescriptions for a Healthy America to promote mediation adherence.

    May 3, 2013
  • Comprehend Clinical Launches Online Data Analysis

    eCliniqua | Comprehend Systems is launching the online signup of Comprehend Clinical. By signing up online and connecting Comprehend to their existing data or EDC system through the cloud, executives, data managers, study managers, clinical operations, monitors and others can start analyzing a single study with Comprehend almost immediately.

    May 1, 2013
  • Palm Beach Research Center Innovates Clinical Research with ePRO

    eCliniqua | Guest Commentary | “It’s easier for patients and it makes us more efficient.” Laurie Jassenoff, Vice President of Clinical Affairs at Palm Beach Research Center, is talking about the benefits of electronic patient reported outcome (ePRO) systems for collecting data from clinical research patients.

    Apr 29, 2013
  • Sandy Aronson on GeneInsight

    eCliniqua Video | Sandy Aronson, Executive Director of IT of the Partners HealthCare Center for Personalized Genetic Medicine (PCPGM), speaks with Bio-IT World Editor Kevin Davies about GeneInsight IT platform.

    Apr 26, 2013
  • BioPharm Clinical Adds Study Forecasting Feature

    eCliniqua | BioPharm Clinical has added Study Advisor forecast solution and a new user interface to its clinical trial feasibility tool. 

    Apr 25, 2013
  • Smart Patients Launches Social Trials for Cancer Patients

    Forbes | What does the architect behind Google Health do when the application is closed? Roni Zeiger started Smart Patients—a clinical trials search engine and social community that focuses on empowering cancer patients.

    Apr 25, 2013
  • EHR Challenges for Doctors and Patients

    Computerworld | Dr. Robert Walker, director of health innovation for the U.S. Army Surgeon General, is frustrated with the electronic health record (EHR) system. "It [takes] the focus away from the patient and put it all on the computer,” he says.

    Apr 25, 2013
  • John Halamka on the Future State of Care

    eCliniqua | Major changes loom on the horizon for health care. John Halamka, CIO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center shares his outlook on the future state of care with Bio-IT World Editor-in-Chief, Kevin Davies.

    Apr 24, 2013
  • Clinical Web Portal Survey Shows Need for Integration

    eCliniqua | In a survey conducted by CenterWatch, clinical trial investigator sites and study sponsors reported that most accessed many clinical portals, and an integrated solution would be welcome.

    Apr 23, 2013
  • Oracle Integrates InForm and Argus Safety

    eCliniqua News Brief | Oracle has integrated Oracle Health Sciences InForm and Oracle Argus Safety in an effort to help clinical trial sponsors and contract research organizations (CROs) more cost-effectively and efficiently capture and manage information on adverse events.

    Apr 19, 2013
  • Encouraging Patient Drivers and Removing Regulatory Barriers to Personalized Medicine

    eCliniqua | Contributed Commentary | As the health care industry increasingly functions as a marketplace, now more than ever patients are playing a more active role in their care—from demanding visibility into costs of medical services to interacting with physicians in new ways to participating in preventive care measures.

    Apr 17, 2013
  • Toward Disruption: Transparency in Clinical Trials

    Xconomy | Transparency Life Sciences (TLS) is calling for transparency in clinical trials to improve study design, quality and outcomes while drastically reducing costs.

    Apr 16, 2013
  • Regulations, Genetic Workflow, and Privacy: Coming Challenges for Health-IT

    eCliniqua | The keynote session at the inaugural Medical Informatics World Conference in Boston yesterday kicked off conversations on a broad range of health-IT challenges: everything from Meaningful Use Stage 2 to the coming surge of clinical genomics.

    Apr 9, 2013
  • HP Signs Contract to Build IT System for UK Hospitals

    eWeek | HP Enterprise Services UK signed a 10-year, $210 million contract with Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in Bracknell, United Kingdom.

    Apr 8, 2013
  • Insight Genetics to Participate in the Clinical Assay Development Program

    eCliniqua News Brief | Insight Genetics has been selected by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to participate in the Clinical Assay Development Program (CADP), an initiative of NCI’s Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis that aims to move promising assays from the research lab into clinical trials.

    Apr 3, 2013
  • Mobile Clinical Trial Locator Launched for Global Trials

    eCliniqua News Brief | Last week, MyClinicalTrialLocator.com, a global clinical trials aggregator site launched that gives patients access to trials around the world from their mobile device. The site uses publicly available information from clinicaltrials.gov, as well as information from academic medical centers to create an easier and more accessible website for patients, parents and caregivers.

    Apr 2, 2013
  • EHR Data Not Complete Enough to Recruit Patients for Trials

    eCliniqua Brief | A study found that using EHR data to recruit for clinical trials did not work as well as hoped. A group in Germany assessed EHR data from five German university hospitals for data completeness. The group looked to see whether EHR data was complete enough to use for clinical trial recruitment.

    Mar 29, 2013
  • Site Service: New Trial Portal Puts Sites’ Needs First

    eCliniqua | When clinical trial sponsors reach out to sites, they may use a newsletter or rely on word-of-mouth messages passed from the project team to regional managers to sites. The result is like the children’s game, Telephone. Everyone gets a slightly different version of old news. PHT Corporation aims to fix that with MyStudyHome, an online social community to connect clinical trial sponsors with sites.

    Mar 26, 2013
  • ePharmaSolutions, CenterWatch Launch Referral Plus Initiative

    eCliniqua News Brief | ePharmaSolutions, CenterWatch, and a consortium of pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations have launched the 'Referral Plus' Initiative to increase opportunities for patients to find trials for which they may qualify.

    Mar 22, 2013